April 17, 2020
T&T Supermarket Donates 100,000 Masks to Mobilizing Masks Enabling Distribution to 28 Health Care Facilities
T&T Supermarket Donates 100,000 Masks to Mobilizing Masks Enabling Distribution to 28 Health Care Facilities
Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers’ Drive Continues to Rally Local Community Support and Extends Distributions to More Hospitals in Ontario
All GTA Hospitals Benefit from Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers’ Drive Acknowledgement of Partnership with Carefirst
More GTA Hospitals Benefit from Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers’ Donation Drive
Mobilize Masks for Health Care Providers Start Distributing Donated Masks to Various GTA Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic
Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers to Collect 3 Million Masks During COVID-19 Pandemic
Grassroots mobilizers to collect masks for frontline health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic